Mastering Nervous System Self Regulation

Today, I want to delve into the art of tailoring self-regulation techniques to harmonize your nervous system.

The quest for the ultimate nervous system regulation tool is a common pursuit. Yet, the true essence lies in the selection of techniques that align seamlessly with your individual requirements, attuning to the intricacies of your nervous system. Our journey begins by assessing the state of your nervous system, thereby gaining insight into your current standing, and subsequently, identifying the most fitting methods for calibration – be it an upregulation for some or a downregulation for others.

Did you know that your discomfort with being in the present moment, still and introspective, might serve as an indicator of a nervous system that craves balance?

The Crucial Role of Awareness

As we learn to regulate our nervous system, our reactivity diminishes. This reduction in reactivity translates to decreased energy expenditure in managing our emotional ebbs and flows. In the face of road rage, have you experienced instant frustration, outbursts of anger, or peculiar reactions? Similarly, distressing news might have drained your energy and numbed your responsiveness.

Imagine, these mental, emotional, and physical responses are often rooted in the autonomic nervous system's preset patterns, designed to safeguard us. These learned reactions stem from our upbringing and the influences of caregivers during our formative years. The heartening news is that we retain the capacity to rewire these neural pathways, even in adulthood, through practices such as self-regulation and co-regulation.

The Genesis of Dysregulation

During our childhood, self-regulation eludes us, and instead, we synchronize with our caregivers' emotional states through co-regulation. If our caregivers grappled with a dysregulated nervous system, or if our surroundings felt hostile during those years, it's possible that these experiences lay the foundation for adult dysregulation. A gentle reminder – if you find yourself trapped in a cycle of dysregulation or chronic stress, shutdown, or hyper-vigilance, extend compassion to yourself; these cycles can be immensely draining.

Today's practice encompasses an appraisal of our baseline state. Moreover, we introduce two breathing exercises tailored to foster self-regulation, equipping you to navigate stress without plummeting into shutdown or overdrive, and the constant vigilance of hyperactivity.

Our aim is to illuminate the pivotal role your nervous system plays in your life, often operating beneath your conscious awareness. Given its role in orchestrating the body's functions, regulating the nervous system is paramount for holistic well-being.

Introducing the Baseline Assessment

The Baseline Assessment is a compass guiding you toward heightened awareness of your nervous system's rhythms. This tool empowers you to discern exercises aligned with your present state, an essential step in effective regulation. While many yearn for a singular solution to regulate their system, the crux lies in acquainting yourself with your nervous system's nuances, tuning into its specific requisites, and cultivating wisdom in selecting exercises tailored to your unique circumstances. Without comprehending your system's current status, the efficacy of regulation exercises diminishes.

Access instructions for a Baseline Assessment in this downloadable PDF or follow along with this video tutorial links below. After you have completed the Baseline Assessment, you will know if you need to upregulate or downregulate, and what tools to use depending on your current state.

In the MVMNT membership, I have incorporated Nervous System Regulation into all of the MVMNT Routines and practices. Of course which sections/practices are best suited for you depend on where your nervous system is at. The more attuned you are to your nervous system the better you can meet your needs, which is why the baseline assessment is a crucial starting point before selecting a regulation exercise.

Below I have listed some sections in the MVMNT membership for you to explore, depending on if you need to upregulate or downregulate your nervous system:

NERVOUS SYSTEM DOWN REGULATION SECTION: These routines are designed to be gentle & nourishing, specifically designed for NS downregulation and preparing your body for rest & digestion or stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. If you tend to be someone who is hypervigilant, type A personality, and busy busy busy then you might want to start practicing these routines.

PREP & PRIME SECTION: These routines are designed to energize and prime, specifically designed for NS upregulation and engaging the sympathetic nervous system safely. If you tend to be someone who is zones out a lot, spacey, or feels numb a lot then you might want to use these routines and learn how to comfortably and safely engage the body and be present with the physical sensations of the warm-up routine without zoning out or going numb.

Lastly, if you are ready to dive into NS regulation even more, we are extending a generous 50% discount code for Nervous System 101 Workbook – a deep dive into understanding and initiating your journey toward nervous system regulation. Use the code "ImACoolMember" and embark on a transformative voyage towards enhancing your well-being. Don't delay – embark on this journey today.


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