Vagus Nerve - What is It and Why it Matters

Our nervous system is huge! So huge in fact that we often forget just how interconnected our nervous system is with the rest of our body. In our blog post 5 signs your nervous system needs a rest, we defined what the nervous system is and broke down two of its systems – the central and peripheral. In this blog post, we take it a step further and talk about the vagus nerve, arguably the most complex nerve in our system.

So, What is the Vagus Nerve?

The vagus nerve is the main nerve of your parasympathetic nervous system, a brand of the peripheral system. This system controls specific body functions,including your digestion, heart rate and even your immune system. Its primary role is to go through the body, collect data from other major organs and bring it back to the brain.

This nerve plays an important role in your body's overall health and how it manages stress – if there is damage to the vagus nerve, you will notice a plethora of other symptoms, which of course, we do not want.

Fun fact: the vagus nerve is the longest in our entire body!

Why Does the Vagus Nerve Matter?

Our vagus nerve deals with significant functions of our body's day-to-day operations. Do you know how they say the mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell? Similarly,– the vagus nerve plays a remarkable role in ensuring our bodies… you know… work. Since the vagus nerve brings information from inner organs to the brain, any damage will consequently impact other systems in the body. Ultimately, “it’s a major part of how our bodies and brains function; without it, our bodies wouldn’t be able to do basic tasks, and by stimulating it we can receive powerful health benefits”.

Unlock the power of your vagus nerve and take a time-out to try out the Soft Belly Meditation video. Enhance your wellbeing with just ten minutes - you'll never look back!

According to the Cleveland Clinic, damage to this nerve can manifest differently depending on which area of the nerve is affected. You may experience:

What Can We Do?

If you’re experiencing the symptoms above, your body may be in a dysregulated state. We recommend that you first dive deeper to get a better understanding of which system is affected: the sympathetic, or the parasympathetic. Always understand the root causes of your stress and what brings joy to your life.

Our vagus nerve tells the body to relax, but when we’re stressed, our body gives it the wrong information. Remember, times are uncertain and our nerves are on edge. It’s important that when we take care of our bodies, we focus on how each part is interconnected to ensure we achieve true inner peace.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, and have addressed the root causes, try out some of these techniques that are fantastic for stimulating the vagus nerve:

  • Gargle water: Gargling water or other loud vocal movements will activate our vocal cords, which ultimately stimulates the vagus nerve.

  • Foot massage: Once gentle or firm pressure from a massage is applied to the feet, oxytocin will be released and will help stimulate the vagus nerve.

  • Coldwater face immersion: Washing your face with cold water is an amazing way to stimulate the vagus nerve as it increases activity in the parasympathetic system, reduces stress and pain, and can support immunity by boosting white blood cell count.

  • Fibre, Fibre, Fibre!: Eating the right amount of fibre ensures our gut is healthy. Considering the vagus nerve impacts the digestive system, appropriate amounts of fibre ensure we’re taking care of our gut health which can decrease the risks of gastrointestinal issues long-term.

  • Laugh: Don’t underestimate the power of quality time with friends and family! Laughing helps to lift your mood which will ultimately boost your immune system, improve your mental health, and stimulate the vagus nerve.

How Mobility MVMNT Can Help?

It can be incredibly challenging to take in all this information and not know how to move forward. Mobility MVMNT brings mind and body together on one platform. Centering mobility into our lives is a simple yet powerful practice and one that is available to all.

We’re more than just a how-to guide on stretching – through Mobility MVMNT, we build awareness to your body through mindful practices and enriching breathing techniques. Our bodies are complex, but we’re the ones that know it best. Creating a holistic approach to centering our bodies is just what we offer.

Our mobility program has been curated to create a home for healing your body inside and out. To learn more about these topics, sign up for our newsletter today or try our 7 day FREE trial to experience Mobility MVMNT for yourself!


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