Say Bye-Bye to Tightness: Get Flexy with Our Mobility and Stretching Routine

A wide shot of a woman and a man holding her ankle while stretching out knee and hip pain

Ever wondered why cats love having a good stretch after a long catnap? Well, it's not just because they're adorably flexible (though it's a nice side perk, isn't it?). Stretching and mobility have a major role in our health, too! 

Think about it: fewer aches, more flexibility, and the ability to bend over without grunting like an old Hollywood villain. (Gru, anyone?)

Our expertly developed routine is more than just waving your limbs in the air like you just don’t care; it's a science-backed way to keep you feeling spry and nimble. Like a cat, but with less hairballs—win-win! 

We'll take you on a journey from your ankles to your hips and all the way around the knees, although this is mainly going to be a knee-focused routine (don’t forget your body is all connected)—with comprehensive exercises like Ankle Flexion and Extension, Hip Flexor Hovers, and Supine Hip CARs. 

You don't need to be a gymnast to get flexible; just a commitment to a regular routine, and that's where we come in.

So, buckle up, beautiful beings! We’re about to delve into the magical world of mobility, and we promise it’ll be anything but a stretch.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to get involved with the whole routine in order with the lovely Crystal, you can check out the video here

If you want to head straight to the stretches in this blog click here!

And whether you’re looking to build your own routine, learn each pose individually, or just curious about what the routine holds, well, stick with us; you’re in the right place.

Start with a Proper Warm-up

Crystal gets cozy in the snow in a white sweatsuit

Oh, not that kind of warm-up!

Before you start strutting your stuff, we need to prep your body for the dance floor, which means warming up! Hold your eyerolls; we know this may sound about as exciting as watching paint dry, but hear us out.

A proper warm-up:

  • Acts like your body's personal hype crew, getting your muscles all pumped and ready to rock.

  • Lubricates your joints, making them as slick as a love-struck Romeo trying his best pick-up lines.

  • Prepare your heart for the increased demand because, darlings, we’re about to turn the heat up.

So, warm-up isn't just a fancy pre-step; it’s the pre-game party your body needs. And who doesn't love a good party, right?

How to Optimize Your Exercise Routine

Okay, before we actually jump into the exercises itself, let’s talk routine.

We know you’ve been there. 

You’ve had a burst of motivation to get yourself in shape, whether you’re losing weight, getting healthy, or addressing the pain in life that holds you back. You learn some routines, watch some YouTube videos, and download some apps.

Maybe you’re good for a day or two, then bam, you’re back to your old habits and back at square one.

Exercising is great, but exercising regularly and consistently is 100x better. 

Doing five minutes of daily exercise is far better than one 1 hour monthly session.

That said, don’t worry if becoming a fitness geek isn't your thing; we're here to break it down for you. 

Here's how to give your exercises the oomph they deserve and turn your workout runt into a fitness champ:

Find Your Groove

No matter if you're a lark or a night owl, the best exercise time is whenever you feel energized enough to boogie.

Are you the kind to spring out of bed ready to tackle the world? Start your day by breaking a sweat. 

More of a late bloomer? Save your exercises for the afternoon slump.

Look, if you want to treat knee pain properly, the key is consistency - just keep showing up and you'll get results.

That's the trick that will change your life.

Enlist a Buddy

When it comes to exercising, whether you're getting fit or trying to relieve knee pain, going solo can be a tough gig. Why not tag a friend along? Choose someone to meet you at your optimal time (birds of a feather flex together, right?). 

You'll have a blast, and you can keep an eye on each other's form, too!

Morning Magnetism

Morning workouts have their perks - like dodging pesky excuses that creep in throughout the day. Plus, knocking out your routine early fires up your body's fat-burning machinery. And hey, who doesn't love starting their day feeling like a superhero?

Afternoon Admirations

Afternoon workouts can be just as effective. This might be better for those of you who wouldn't dream of parting from your beloved pillow before sunrise. Plus, your body is already warmed up from the day’s activities, making it less prone to injury.

Hunger Games

Avoid doing star jumps on a full belly – it’s best to wait at least three hours after a large meal before exercising. Light snack an hour before? Go for it! Just remember to keep it balanced, like a banana or a slice of whole-grain toast.

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration

Dehydration is a no-go for workouts. Keep the water flowing throughout the day for that optimal energetic glow.

Quality ZZZs

Exercise and sleep are like peanut butter and jelly—not only do good workouts promote better sleep, but enough rest can also make your exercises more effective. So, treat your sleep like a workout – schedule it, prioritize it, and don’t skimp on it.

Small Steps, Big Gains

Even five-minute workout breaks count! Start with small chunks, then build up to longer sessions. Before you know it, you'll be rocking those 30-minute workouts like a pro!

It really doesn't matter if you're having problems with your straight leg, right foot, or just trying to reduce knee pain, remember, ladies (and gents!), it's less about when or how long you exercise. The most important thing? That you’re moving regularly.

Now, get out there, and let's see you strut your stuff!

Let's Get Down to Business: Stretches for Knee Pain, Baby!

Now we've gotten the basics out of the way, let's get into the juicy stuff, shall we? 


Yes, you heard that right, and no, don't roll your eyes (not yet, at least). We promise they're doable, engaging, and heck, you might even find them fun! These bad boys are all about making you the most agile cat in town. 

So, grab your exercise mat, put on that peppy playlist, and let's get this fitness fiesta started!

Getting Started with Knee Exercise

As for equipment, you just need your lovely self and somewhere comfortable to practice; maybe a yoga mat and somewhere quiet in your house would be nice. Hey, why don't you put some nice music as well? This is your time, after all.

And if you're feeling particularly stiff or just want the extra support, then a standard exercise block can also be helpful. Okay, and with that, let's get into it.

Ankle Flexion and Extension

Ready to loosen up those ankles? Follow these uncomplicated steps, and let's get flexing and extending:

  1. Take a Seat: Find a comfortable chair or sit on the floor and sit up tall. Imagine a string from the top of your head that is taking its time to pull you upwards gently. You're a marionette of fitness!

  2. Extend Your Leg: Extend one or both legs straight out in front of you. If you are doing one leg, the other leg and foot can remain flat on the floor. Feel like a ballerina yet?

  3. Flex Those Toes: Point your toes towards the sky as if trying to tickle the clouds with your toes. Feel the stretch in your calf muscles and under your foot? That's the flexion!


4. Down They Go: Now, gracefully lower your toes back toward the ground without touching it. Like a ballerina preparing for the next act, that's the extension.


5. Repeat the Dance: Continue this up-and-down dance of your foot, maintaining the rhythm. Aim for 15 to 20 repetitions before it's the turn of the opposite leg.

And there you have it! 

The Ankle Flexion and Extension might be a tongue twister, but it's a no-fuss, highly rewarding mobility drill. Couple it with your favorite tunes, and you're in for a fun fitness ride!

Boost Your Mobility with Hip Flexor Hovers

Next pit stop on your journey to becoming the fittest cat in town? 

Hips—those shapely joints that don't lie, especially regarding your mobility. Hip Flexor Hovers are here to bring the groove back to your moves, challenge your balance, and bless you with better flexibility.

Imagine your hip joints as rusty old door hinges. These Hip Flexor Hovers?  They're the oil, ensuring your door swings open smoothly and painlessly. Bonus: they strengthen your thigh and glute muscles, too. Talk about a double deal!

Curious how to master this dance move? Follow the steps below, and you'll be rocking it in no time! Here’s how to get started right now:

  1. Take a Seat: Start by sitting on the ground, keep your legs straight in front of you, essentially a straight leg raise, feet slightly lifted off the mat.


2. Feel the Burn: Imagine a string lifting your knee up; keep your foot relaxed. Your hip, not your thigh, does the lifting—feel that subtle burn yet?


3. Stretching Out: Now, slowly move your leg outwards towards the edge of your mat, making sure you keep your ankle flexed. Don't forget to listen to your body!

4. Lower the leg back down to the ground so you're sitting with your legs in a bit of a "V" shape. With your toes still flexed upwards, you should really feel this stretch!


5. Aim to move slowly as you are hovering, but do what feels good. You want to feel the stretch but don't overdo it. When you're done, move it back into the original position. Now switch sides and repeat for 5 - 15 reps!


Now you've got this far-out technique up your sleeve. Happy hovering, folks!

Knee CARs: The Key to Better Flexibility

Are you looking for your pass to unlock greater flexibility and add fluidity to your every stride? Ladies and gents, we present to you Knee CARs (Controlled Articular Rotations).

This bad boy is all about getting up close and personal with your knee joint, smoothing out the rough edges, and teaching it to move like liquid gold.

Knee CARs might sound like a cross between a fitness secret handshake and a cute little toy car, but trust us; they're essential to keeping those joints primed for peak performance.

Say goodbye to creaky knees and stiff movements with this supine hamstring stretch!

  1. Lay on your back in a leg bent in supine position; knees bent with both feet on the mat.

  2. When you're ready, start with one leg, wrapping your hands around the back of your thigh muscles (just around the knee), then pull your knee inwards towards your chest.


3. Now, straighten your left leg and lift it high into the air, left foot towards the sky. Keep holding your leg for extra support because this one can really burn!


4. For some extra flexing, start to rotate your ankle around in one direction for four rotations, and then back for four in the other direction. Nice big deep breaths as you're here!


5. When you're done, slowly lower your left leg back down to the mat and move to the other side. Repeat for roughly five reps on each side!


Revitalize Your Fitness Routine with Knee Rotations

If you've been searching high and low for the elixir to revive your fitness routine and kiss knee aches goodbye, darling, look no further. Knee rotations are here to save the day. This exercise is the superhero of your workout routine—underestimated but oh-so-powerful!

Knee rotations target your knee joint in each leg and the surrounding muscles, boosting flexibility and reducing strain. 

By practicing this easy yet effective move regularly, you're cushioning your knees from injuries and chronic pain. 

Plus, they're the dance moves you didn't know you needed!

Eager to pirouette into good knee health? Here's your guide:

  1. Start by sitting cross-legged on your mat and feeling the part of your leg that rotates just below your knee. Get familiar with this spot because we're going to be focusing here for the next few minutes!


2. We're keeping things simple here. All you need to do is rotate your leg around, left and right, on this rotation. Keep your ankle nice and flexed in the same position, just moving back and forth, feeling your knee area and surrounding joints and muscles limber up.


3. Repeat for both legs, roughly 30 seconds of rotations on each side for 4-5 reps! Nice and simple, but full of goodness for your joints!


Unleash Better Mobility with Patella CARs

Unlock new mobility heights and banish pain (who asked for it, anyway?) with Patella CARs (Controlled Articular Rotations). Don't let the fancy name fool you—it's a simple yet wickedly effective move to give those often-forgotten kneecaps some love.

Believe it or not, the small circular movement of Patella CARs can have huge benefits. By integrating this exercise into your routine, you'll soothe those achy knees and improve joint function. It's a gift you'll thank yourself for later.

Ready to let the cat out of the bag? Here's your quick guide to Patella CARs:

  1. Start by sitting on your mat long ways and putting your legs out in front of you. Choose whichever leg you want to start with and extend it out, folding the other leg in towards you.

  1. Now, this gets a bit funky. What we're doing here is feeling for the muscle around your knee by imagining there's a clock face, with 12 at the top of your knee joint, the six at the bottom. Place your hands around the imagery clock face. You can also use two fingers to push down on the muscle.

  1. What we're aiming to do here is move this muscle in all directions. So start by moving it to one o'clock for a few pushes back and forth, then to two, three, four, and all the way around.


That's pretty much it!

Patella CARs is your secret weapon for better mobility. Embrace it, run with it, and watch your fitness life transform!

Experience the Power of Supine Hip CARs

Has anyone ever told you your hip holds Herculean strength?

Well, unleash this untapped power with Supine Hip CARs (Controlled Articular Rotations)—an easy yet powerful exercise that'll award you with increased mobility and improved performance.

Supine Hip CARs may sound like a relaxing siesta, but it's your very own ticket to reduced pain and crucial hip joint exercise. The magic truly lies in actively engaging your hip muscles and capsule, promoting better mobility, joint health, and strength.

Ready to summon the strength within your hips? Follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. Get down onto your back with your legs bent in a supine position, feet shoulder-width apart, flat on the floor. Stretch one leg straight out and flex the toes of that straightened leg to the sky.


2. Bent at the knee to move your foot over to cross the bent knee of the other leg, making sure the lower part of your back remains on the mat.


3. Once you've moved across, now open your hip by moving that leg out in the opposite direction, towards the opposite wall of your bent leg. This may feel weird! You can do this!


4. Now bring your leg back down to the starting position, hovering your foot off the ground a few centimeters.


5. Bring your leg back up, slowly raise it back to where it was in the previous step!


6. Now, bring it back across the other knee, essentially in reverse to how we got into this position.


7. Bring your leg back down to the starting position, and move onto the other side. Repeat for as many reps as feels good!


Get ready to power through your days with Supine Hip CARs on your fitness roster. Flexibility and strength, here we come!

How to Strategically Weave These Movements into Your Daily Routine

Incorporating new exercises into your daily routine needn't be an Olympic hurdle. The secret sauce? 

Consistency and timing.

  • Morning Movements: Make mobility your morning mantra. Just after waking up, try Knee Rotations or Hip Flexor Hovers. It's a gentle yet effective way to shake off stiffness. Even just standing up with your legs straight and bending can be a great way to get your body moving.

  • Break with CARs: Squeeze in Knee or Patella CARs during your short breaks from work. It could be a 5-minute investment that pays dividends in your joint health.

  • Pre-workout Prep: Supine Hip CARs can warm up your hip joints before your workout, priming them for action.

  • Evening Elixir: Close your day with any CARs operation. This helps unwind your body, preparing it for a night of rest and recovery. Make sure you have a straight leg for your final stretch, then you're ready for bed!

Remember, the goal is continuous mobility improvement — consistency beats intensity. Make these exercises your daily dance and watch flexibility become your second nature.

Signs to Proceed with Caution and When to See a Specialist

While these exercises are designed to boost your flexibility and improve joint health, listening to your body is important.

  • Don't Ignore Pain: Mild discomfort can occur as you stretch new muscles, but if you feel sharp, persisting pain, stop immediately. If you have any problems, go and see a doctor or physical therapist.

  • Swelling or Bruising: These could indicate an injury. Rest and apply an ice pack. See a professional.

  • Limited Range of Motion: If your mobility decreases instead of improving, seek professional help.

Always remember it's essential to maintain proper form and control over speed when practicing these stretching exercises. When in doubt, don't hesitate to see a physiotherapist or fitness specialist. 

They can personalize exercises to your needs and guide you in achieving optimal mobility safely.

Wrap-up: Reaping the Benefits of This Mobility and Stretching Routine

By embracing these knee strengthening exercises, you're stepping into a world of improved flexibility, reduced risk of injury, and overall better mobility. These gems, often hidden from the limelight, can truly revolutionize your fitness journey.

Invest time in deliberately practicing Knee CARs, Patella CARs, and Supine Hip CARs. Their marvelous simplicity combined with their impact cannot be overstated. Your future self will thank you!

So, go ahead, devote yourself to regular practice, and stride forward to achieve a stronger, nimble, and more balanced body!

And if you're looking for more, don't forget to check out the rest of the MVMNT website and app - everything you need for easy flexibility routines and workouts daily.

It's time to get into the best shape of your life, without standing in your own way any more!

If you have any questions as you look through the app, don’t hesitate to reach out to connect with us on our socials or by contacting

Ready to build a sustainable lifestyle and practice daily movement?

Check out the FREE 7-day trial to experience MVMNT for yourself!


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